Expert group meeting on non-criminal liability for corruption
On May 2-3, the UNODC hosted an expert group meeting on civil and administrative liability for corruption. Anti-corruption practitioners from 20+ countries participated in the EGM.

International Conference on Corruption Prevention in Kazakhstan
The Director of the Anti-Corruption Center participated in the conference "International Standards and Measures for Corruption Prevention" held in Astana, Kazakhstan.
UNODC Panel Discussion on Anti-Corruption Education
On 15 June 2022, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) organised a panel discussion focused on anti-corruption education and awareness-raising in the framework of a session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Prevention.
BRICS Online Anti-Corruption Workshop
On 26 May, the Chinese BRICS Chairmanship organised a virtual workshop on Anti-Corruption and Economic Development .

Corruption and Investments: UNODC Regional Seminar
On May 18 to 20 Samarkand hosted a regional workshop on preventing and combating corruption in international investment projects.

ACC Activities Commended by the Russian Delegation in CoSP9
On December 13th to 17th, the 9th session of the Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption (CoSP9) was held.

A Webinar on Corruption Risk Assessment
The ACC held a webinar on corruption risk assessment.

Webinar on the Fight against Corruption in Procurement
The ACC held the first out of a series of advanced webinars on specific anti-corruption matters scheduled for 2021.

The Infographics on the National Anti-Corruption Plan is Developed
The ACC released the infographics visualizing the tasks contained in the National Anti-Corruption Plan for 2021 to 2024.

IACA Launches an Online Course on Anti-Corruption Asset Disclosure
The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) has released an online course on asset disclosure.