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The ACC actively participates in drafting the anti-corruption laws and regulations, including but not limited to:

·    amendments to the Federal Law “On Countering Corruption”, the national anti-corruption plans and other legal acts, 

·    official guidance on the enforcement of anti-corruption laws.

In 2022, the ACC is implementing the project entitled “Enhancing legislation on the prevention, detection and management of conflicts of interest and improving of the system of anti-corruption restrictions, prohibitions and obligations”.

The aim of the project is to thoroughly revise the anti-corruption standards for public servants and SOEs’ employees introduced over the last 15-20 years in Russia, to assess their actual applicability and effectiveness, and to formulate recommendations on how to improve them.

In 2019-2021, the ACC implemented a number of important research projects, including:

The systematisation of the national anti-corruption legislation

The project consisted in global analysis of the legal provisions containing anti-corruption restrictions and obligations for different categories of public officials adopted over the last 15 years, formulation of proposals on how to streamline the approaches to embedding the anti-corruption standards and the responsibility for their infringement in law, elimination of contradictions in terms of content and methodology. The project concluded with the drafting of a new version of the Federal Law “On Countering Corruption” and the recommendations on amending over 30 federal laws.

Anti-corruption regulation of organisations of the public and private sectors

The study was aimed at improving the framework for corporate liability for corruption in Russia and refining considerably the requirements to implement anti-corruption measures in the organisations of different types.

Detection of corruption in procurement 

The three-year project implemented together with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation concluded with the development of a catalogue containing over 100 model corrupt practices in procurement, a library of red flags for each practice, and the methods for detecting and registering the indicators of corruption.

Concealing illicit enrichment through acquiring or (re)registering property to third parties: possible tools for prevention and detection

The project consisted in detailed analysis of the approaches used by Russian courts towards forfeiture of the property registered (re-registered) in the name of third parties to the State; proposals concerning the amendments to the Federal Law “On Countering Corruption” providing for the explicit description of the cases where such forfeiture is possible were made. 

The ACC also publishes in-house Working Materials focused on specific matters of the development and implementation of anti-corruption instruments and holds public events. 


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